The basic socialist cycle goes something like this:
1. Convince the populace that the government can solve their problems of inequality with cradle to grave govt. programs
Once again, workers capitalism. Direct ownership of businesses and increased standard of living by paying themselves out of the company's profits.
2. Get the population dependent on govt. programs
If they pay for it with their taxpayers money then it's their programs.
3. Take away their guns
I'm pro-gun all the way to semiautomatics with gazillion round magazines.
4. Increase taxes
And get their value back when ill or unemployed.
5. Blame the scapegoat for the inability to deliver on promises
Where are the scapegoats in Western Europe? And you do find economic scapegoats by conservatives here in the United States. They're called Mexicans.
6. Have the national police round up the protesters
Western Europe again. Is it happening there?
We're responding to you Perry but you're not reciprocating.